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Answers You Need


Before admitting your child to Blooming Flowers Childcare, we ask that you make an
appointment with the Director to tour Blooming Flowers. call 708-501-0063 to schedule your individual tour.  During your tour, any questions you may have will be answered and If you decided to move forward with us, you will receive a “Parents Packet" which contains the following: 

  • Completed application for childcare facility

  • If applying for (AFC) action for children, all documentation has to be submitted and approved before the child can be admitted to our daycare.

  • Birth Certificate 

  • Consent to daycare provider form {administer medicine, emergency medical care, child pick-up, and field trips}.

  • Physical to be signed and dated by the child's pediatrician

  • Emergency contact information

  • Stage Development Plan

  • Signed Parent Contract/Handbook  

When all these items are completed, your child can be admitted to our daycare.


Blooming Flowers Childcare can accommodate children from the ages of 6 weeks through
12 years old.  All children who are enrolled must have a physical examination by their family
physician or pediatrician.


We cannot administer any prescription or non-prescription medication without a signed document from the parent/guardian.


No child will be released to anyone other than the child's parents, or persons the parents designate to pick up the child without prior notification.  This can be done by phone or in person when dropping off your child in the morning.


  • Limits and consequences shall be clear and understandable to your child, consistently enforced, and explained to your child before and as part of any disciplinary action. Discipline shall be delegated to the staff members having an ongoing relationship with your child.

  • Discipline shall be developmentally related and shall not be out of proportion to the inappropriate behavior.  For example, scolding children for honest mistakes such as spills and accidents caused by lack of coordination

  • Discipline shall be related to the child's act, handled without bias and without prolonged delay on the part of the staff member involved so the child is aware of the relationship between acts and consequences.

  • Removal from the group to help a child gain control shall not exceed one minute per year of age.  Removal from the group shall not be used for children less than 24 months of age.  Firm positive statements about behaviors or redirection of behaviors shall be the accepted techniques for use with toddlers.

Termination of a child's enrollment for extreme disciplinary issues:

  • Inform parents of excessive negative behavior and try to work on a solution together

  • Execute the plan together

  • If after a reasonable amount of time there is no improvement in your child's behavior, then your child will be asked to leave

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